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Order: Carnivora

Family: Herpestidae


Size: up to 50.9-67.1 cm in length (head to body)


Key Features: This species of mongoose is sympatric with Herpestes edwardsii in much of its native range and can be readily distinguished from the latter species by its much smaller size. The body is slender and the head is elongated with a pointed snout. The ears are short. They have five toed feet with long claws. The sexes differ in size with males having a wider head and bigger size.


Voice: They use about 12 different vocalizations.


Breeding: Pregnancy duration is up to 49 days. A litter can consist of 2–5 young.


Diet:  mostly eat insects but are opportunistic feeders and will eat crabs, frogs, spiders, scorpions, snakes, birds and bird’s eggs.


Habitat: live in scrublands and dry forest.


Habits: Mongooses are mostly solitary although males will sometimes form social groups and share burrows.


Conservation Status: Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


Distribution in the GoK: reported along the coast of Gulf of Kachchh.







Nellis, D. W (1989) Herpestes auropunctatus. Mammalian species 342:1–6


Mulligan, B E and D W Nellis (1973) Sounds of the Mongoose Herpestes auropunctatus. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 54(1):320-320


IUCN Red List.

Small Indian Mongoose (Herpestes javanicus palustris)

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